Iman Alizahi
Mechanical Engineering / Clarksburg, MD
What made you decide to attend the University of Maryland?
The A. James Clark School of Engineering is one of the best mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering schools in the nation. Its reputation plus its proximity to my family made it a no-brainer to attend.
What major/career path do you plan on pursuing and how did you select that path?
My intended major is mechanical engineering, but I might switch to aerospace engineering in the future. Either way, I am going to be working on a vehicle of some sort since it is my passion and hobby to fix cars. I want to take it up a notch by designing and building cars (and maybe airplanes too).
What clubs, community service, campus activities, or hobbies are you currently involved in or plan to take part in?
I plan to join the Terps Racing Team and the Rocket Team for certain. Along the way, I might join clubs that are different from my major to branch out a bit as well.
How has receiving this scholarship positively impacted your life?
This scholarship has allowed me to not worry about the costs associated with attending college. It also made it possible for me to work fewer hours to support my family. In turn, this opportunity will allow me to focus more on my education.
What are your future goals after graduation?
My ultimate goal is to start a business that solves problems that most people don't want to solve or don't know how to solve.