Luzmary Hernandez
Business Management / Silver Spring, MD
What made you decide to attend the University of Maryland?
I knew I wanted to be a first-generation college student my entire educational career. I felt a strong sense of opportunity at the University of Maryland from its renowned business school, devoted staff, and the ranking of top 50 in the country. I took the chance at applying at the University of Maryland and they took a chance on me.
What major/career path do you plan on pursuing and how did you select that path?
It was during my time at Montgomery College that I found out I still had a lot to learn about finance. I remember my professor starting off with a slide that read "How to be a Millionaire." Everyone thought he was stretching it, including me, but I decided to listen. Following what he said, I took the initiative of opening a Roth IRA for my parents. It made me think about how many other immigrants and underprivileged communities are ill-educated on their finances.
What clubs, community service, campus activities, or hobbies are you currently involved in or plan to take part in?
I am currently involved in Sister to Sister at UMD. This club focuses on making sure women who are minorities have a smooth transition from high school to college. I am so excited to be a part of a sisterhood that can connect with me on different aspects of life.
How has receiving this scholarship positively impacted your life?
The Maryland Promise Program has connected me to fellow members that have a deep understanding of what perseverance is. I have gained a special opportunity to focus on my education and do the best in my classes while gaining long-lasting friendships.
What are your future goals after graduation?
My goal is to start my own businesses. I want to educate people like me–people who need help with retirement, saving and building credit. It is my passion to help others who have not been enlightened on certain financial topics.
If you are a returning scholar, what is your favorite part of the Maryland Promise Program?
My favorite part of the Maryland Promise Program is being able to have access to resources that are super helpful with college life. I am so excited to be able to have an enriched college experience because of MPP, whether it be from hearing unique perspectives on life to learning the basics of note taking.