Vassay Iqbal
Bioengineering / Bryans Road, MD
What made you decide to attend the University of Maryland?
I enrolled at the University of Maryland because of the wide variety of academic research and resources at my disposal to make sure that I prepare myself for my career.
What major/career path do you plan on pursuing and how did you select that path?
I plan on pursuing bioengineering because I have always wanted to be involved in creating prosthetics and bionics. I have wanted to make myself a cyborg.
What clubs, community service, campus activities, or hobbies are you currently involved in or plan to take part in?
I plan to join API (Accessible Prosthetics Initiative), Chess Club, and Intramural Basketball. I also hope to be involved in the ESports scene at Maryland.
How has receiving this scholarship positively impacted your life?
This scholarship has positively impacted my ability to attend Maryland by completely fulfilling my tuition needs. It will allow me to fully focus on my studies without worrying about how I would pay for them.
What are your future goals after graduation?
My goals after graduation are to work for a company that is responsible for the research and development of prosthetics, bionics, and medical devices.