Ashlynn Battle
Marketing / Montgomery Village, MD
What made you decide to enroll at the University of Maryland?
I decided to enroll at the University of Maryland because, after I obtained my associate's degree at Montgomery College, I wanted to continue my education and obtain a bachelor's degree. I had heard a lot about the business program at UMD, and this made me really want to take on the challenge and decide to apply for the program. Despite knowing that my major is limited enrollment and I had a slight chance of getting in, I was still determined to try. Growing up in Maryland, UMD was a school that I heard about so much. When I was finally accepted, I knew that this was where I wanted to go because Maryland is home to me, and it is a community that I knew I would be able to be accepted into stress and anxiety free.
What major/career path do you plan on pursuing and how did you select that path?
My major is business marketing and I plan to pursue it by obtaining my bachelor's in marketing. I also plant to apply for the program that allows me to obtain my master's at the same time in marketing analytics. I selected this path because almost three years ago during the pandemic my friend asked me to help her run an Instagram account where she would sell lip gloss. During the pandemic it was hard to find inspiration and motivation so when I agreed I never expected to love it. My friend made me the advertising marketing manager for that account. I would create, advertise, and sell the products she was making, which then turned into a small business. I enjoyed talking to customers about the products and diving deep into the business side of a product that I never really thought of before. This allowed me to be certain that I enjoy both the creative and business side of the subject.
Activities I do outside of class or community service/volunteer activities I'm involved with:
Some activities that I do outside of class involve my job. I work with children which keeps me very active. During the school year I work at an after-school program where I'm responsible for about 21 children. I first started volunteering at my job so it is very rewarding for me to know that I have made it this far. With the children I conduct educational and recreational activities to help make their afternoons more productive. I also babysit both pets and children. I have a five-year-old poodle who loves the dog park recently. I have also been very into reading Greek mythology as well.
Aside from academics, what else do you hope to take away from your time at Maryland?
I hope to take away a sense of pride. Growing up in a predominantly female immigrant household I have seen my family have to fight for what they want. I hope to make myself and my family proud by accomplishing everything that I want at the University of Maryland. Montgomery College was a very successful time for me as I graduated with honors, so I hope to carry that with me into this semester and every year I am at the University of Maryland. I also hope to make new valuable friendships and relationships. I really want to be a part of the community.
What are your future goals after graduation?
My future goal after graduation is to get a job with a highly known company as a marketing or social media manager. I aspire to take all the skills I will learn at UMD and utilize them in my next job and as I encounter the real world. I also hope to save enough money to buy my dream car and a house for my family. My family has done so much for me so I hope to be able to give back to them as much as possible.
My favorite part of being a Maryland Promise Scholar:
As a returning scholar, my favorite part about the Maryland Promise Program is that the assistance that the program gives allows for college funding to be effortless.