Chantel Nembhard
Accounting / Hyattsville, MD
What made you decide to enroll at the University of Maryland?
The University of Maryland is closer to my home and it provides a program in my field of interest which were big factors in my decision to enroll.
What major/career path do you plan on pursuing and how did you select that path?
I plan on pursuing the career ofbecoming an accountant. Accounting peaked my interest due to the complexity of the job as well as the constant learning opportunities it provides.
Activities I do outside of class or community service/volunteer activities I'm involved with:
I was a part of book club, green team, National Honor Society, which provides community serving opportunities. I was also apart of a program called "The pathway to career success program" this program also helped with community service and volunteer activities.
Aside from academics, what else do you hope to take away from your time at Maryland?
I hope to improve my communication skills as well as to build a community that I can forever take with me. I hope to build connections with others both for work and general friendships.
What are your future goals after graduation?
My goal after graduation is to possibly work in the field I graduate from. I may also extend my level of education to a master's degree in accounting.